Problems starting mid-2012 MBP
My mid-2012 Macbook Pro running 10.11.6 isn't starting until after I've done PRAM and SMC resets a few times. It appears that it's stuck in hibernation. It won't wake up, the light glows steady, not pulsing as when asleep. I have to hard shut down, then press the power button. The white light either immediately reappears steady or else flashes quickly and makes a metallic groaning noise. After making the noise, the light is back to being on steady. After about 5 attempts between hard shut down, SMC and PRAM resets, it will chime and begin loading.
The HDD appears broken (I could get into recovery mode and use disk utility, but it couldn't see my Time Machine back up and reloading the OSX failed), so I made a bootable USB to load the OSX. I first tried installing on the HDD, but that failed so I installed OSX on an external SSD drive and it's working. I was now able to reload from a back up on Time Machine, but the start up problems persist. If it needs to restart, it's back to the steady white light.
I purchased a 2021 14" MBP and that's going fine, but there are programs on the old MBP that I 'd like to continue to use. Any help is greatly appreciated!
MacBook Pro 13″, OS X 10.11