Cloudd using 100% CPU 24/7 for months now
I'd say about a year ago I started noticing "cloudd" cloudKit daemon running at full CPU utilization. I'm a developer and have gone through several settings to try and isolate what is sync'ing / broken with the cloudKit implementation but so far nothing has helped. See screenshot where I turned off every app that is syncing with iCloud and it still was 100% utilization.
But, there are times especially lately where I'm pushing my MBP M1 harder (loading VMs, doing compiles / testing) and now I need to get this resolved.
I've seen others on the web complain about this but I haven't a found clear solution. How do I either
A) Configure iCloud sync / cloudd to work correctly and only use CPU when it's actually sync'ing something or better yet, use even less than 100% when it's sync'ing something
B) Completely eliminate cloudd from running at all (is this even possible?) until either I want it to run and start syncing stuff or just turn it off for good and never run it.
I can confirm that in my case, cloudd is always at max CPU usage... And, my I only have code editors and a web browser running most days. My internet is fast and therefore even if it was trying to upload a ton every day for some reason, it should be able to complete fairly quickly then go nearly idle.
At this point, I'm considering killing my iCloud services completely just to eliminate the problem and just to be thorough I will do some network diagnostics to see where exactly it is connecting to and try to inspect what it is sending. I'm concerned it's possible I might have a virus that has infected cloudd.