How do I export my library in Apple Music (windows)?
I would like to export my library to XML as it is possible on Apple Music on Mac, but the option appears missing on the Windows version. Am I missing something?
I would like to export my library to XML as it is possible on Apple Music on Mac, but the option appears missing on the Windows version. Am I missing something?
No, you're not missing anything, Apple Music for Windows is. Probably half of the features that make iTunes useful. No support for import/export/switching libraries, no CD import. Managing devices needs a separate app. No scripting support. Gone are calendar & contact syncing. Installing it cripples iTunes so you cannot run them side by side for comparison. Etc. Unless you are wedded to it I would suggest you revert to iTunes by uninstalling whichever of Apple Music/Devices/TV you have installed so iTunes works properly again.
Unfortunately I have foolishly waited for Apple Music to get better and have significantly updated my library in the past few months (the songs are on my PC but I listen to music on my mac at work via iTunes match).
That's why I was hoping to switch back to the iTunes using the exported XML. :(
How do I export my library in Apple Music (windows)?