joud257 wrote:
My iphone is in a reboot cycle and won’t connect to wifi
if i bought icloud storage in the new one would the info be downloaded from the old one ??
If you buy iCloud storage on your new device, it doesn’t automatically download data from your old one unless the old device has already backed up or synced its data to iCloud.
For that to happen, the old device must be:
- Connected to the internet (Wi-Fi or cellular).
- Logged into the same Apple ID associated with the iCloud storage.
- Set to back up or sync the specific data you want (like Photos, Contacts, Messages, etc.) under Settings > [Your Name] > iCloud.
Once the old device uploads the data to iCloud, the new device—using the same Apple ID—can then download and sync that data. If the old device hasn’t backed up or synced to iCloud yet, nothing will transfer until it does.