Unable to download 1080p Versions of media
I have in the past been able to download 1080p (wish it could be 4k) copies of media like Movies and the like that I have purchased. Since the last iTunes update ( I can not seem to do it. I have the download 1080p option enabled but everything I download is 720p-ish. I have used a few tools like Media Info to confirm that the resolution of movies for example is just 1280x536 (less tall 720p because of 21:9 aspec ratio) not 1080p. Even older media that I have previously downloaded in 1080p can only be downloaded in 720p now.
Many will say just stream X movie, unfortunately that is not really feasible for me. Where I live the best internet plan is 50mbps with a 750GB data cap for $200 a month... The way around this is to have a lot of storage, download once, never stream anything whenever possible.