trackpad connects like mouse and work like magic mouse
What if wireless trackpad is connected to and works like magic mouse. What should i do
MacBook Air 13″
What if wireless trackpad is connected to and works like magic mouse. What should i do
MacBook Air 13″
Can you shows a picture of the trackpad box? Where did you buy this track pad?
If the Trackpad entry in System Settings is not available, it may possibly point to a counterfeit track pad.
Original trackpads would appear under Trackpad in system settings with options to configure things like the 2 finger click.
Here is the trackpad box pic
when i connect trackpad it shows mouse image not trackpad image
Mac is recognizing my Magic Trackpad as a mouse instead of a trackpad
What do you mean it works like a magic mouse?
What is it doing? Or not doing?
Or what do you expect it work like exactly?
The Track Pad is a mouse. A Specific type of mouse.
I think you need to explain further. First you have a MacBook Air listed which has a built in Trackpad. SO why the external one? And trackpads are suppose to do the same functions as a Magic Mouse.
when i connect trackpad. System settings added mouse settings and i change mouse tracking speed it is changing. And trackpad is not doing trackpad’s move like scroll by 2 finger or switch etcc…
What brand/model of trackpad?
It sounds like you have a 3rd party trackpad that is identifying itself as a mouse to the system.
If that’s the case, contact the manufacturer of the trackpad.
trackpad connects like mouse and work like magic mouse