Answers to community questions
How do I see answers to questions I post to the Apple Community?
iMac 21.5″, macOS 15.3
How do I see answers to questions I post to the Apple Community?
iMac 21.5″, macOS 15.3
Good day,
If you have more than one email address, Apple forum messages usualy go to the one that you use to log in here.
"My Subscriptions" has limited scope; it only goes back about three months. If you need to look for older posts, use a site-delimited web search in your favorite browser. For you, a site-delimited search for your username in the Apple forums needs this search string: "7yellows"
👉🏻 Note that there is no space between the colon after "site" and the "d" in "discussions."
When I enter your search string inot a browser I find ony two other threads. This 2021 thread:
Can I have a separate phone # unique to m… - Apple Community
and this from 2010:
Hello 7yellows,
You will receive emails for the answers posted to your questions. In the email, click the bold title (the one from your question) to be brought to the answer.
Otherwise, on the Communities, click you icon (top right), click My Subscriptions and then click on your question to see the list of replies in the thread.
Answers to community questions