How do I turn a table in pages on ipad into a graph?
I have created a table in a pages document and want to display the same information graphically. Is there an easy way to do this please?
I have created a table in a pages document and want to display the same information graphically. Is there an easy way to do this please?
My apologies... you're absolutely right.. the Chart button creates a dummy chart, unconnected to the selected table. I'm almost certain it used to work the other way, but now I'm not so sure...
There's a workaround... which is to click the Edit Chart Data below the chart and copy/paste your table data in, but this is hokey, to say the least, since it's unconnected to the table (so edits to the table don't reflect/update in the chart).
I'm trying to remember how I did this before, but maybe it's always been that way. :(
For now, Numbers seems like the way to go.
How easy do you want it to be?
1: Select the table
2: Click the Chart icon in the toolbar:
Choose your chart type (Bar, Column, Pie, etc.
Once created, you can use the Chart options in the Inspector to adjust the chart settings.
Thank you. I did try that but the graph did not contain the data from the table that I had selected. I tried just clicking on the o in the top left of the table, I tried doing the same and clicking ‘select all’, I tried highlighting the first column and dragging across to select the whole table. Each gave the same result; a sample graph which didn't include the data from the table. I have tried to find the ‘Inspector’ however I gather it may have been moved from Pages to some other location about eight years ago. I certainly cannot find it on Pages for iPad which may be the root of the problem. I got round the problem by pasting the table into Numbers, creating the graph and then pasting that back into pages; quite a faff!
Any further suggestions would be welcomed.
Thank you. I thought I was just being dim. Hopefully Apple will recognise this problem and produce a neater solution.
How do I turn a table in pages on ipad into a graph?