Mac restarting with error message: panic(cpu 0 caller 0xfffffe002ea05964): Kernel data abort. at pc 0xfffffe002e59056c
About once a day at random, my m1 max macbook pro will restart with no warning. When it boots back up, I get an error message with the first few lines being:
panic(cpu 0 caller 0xfffffe002ea05964): Kernel data abort. at pc 0xfffffe002e59056c, lr 0xe7d27e002e5903a8 (saved state: 0xfffffe5f7b29ba20)
x0: 0x0000000000000000 x1: 0xfffffe0031ae6078 x2: 0x0000000000000000 x3: 0x0000000000249efc
x4: 0x0000000000000004 x5: 0xfffffe2000819880 x6: 0x0000000000000000 x7: 0xfffffe0031aa2960
x8: 0x0000000000000000 x9: 0xfffffe20015773b8 x10: 0x000000003d6c1899 x11: 0xfffffe0031ae6000
x12: 0x00000000000003e8 x13: 0x0000000000000002 x14: 0x0000000000000000 x15: 0x0000000000000002
x16: 0x0000020072eb04f8 x17: 0x00000000000073d8 x18: 0x0000000000000000 x19: 0xfffffe2004de3800
x20: 0x0000000000000006 x21: 0xc199fe002e590380 x22: 0x0000000000000000 x23: 0x000000000000ffff
x24: 0xfffffe0031ae60b0 x25: 0xfffffe0031aa9000 x26: 0xfffffe0031a6cc98 x27: 0xfffffe2001577380
x28: 0x000000000000144f fp: 0xfffffe5f7b29bdf0 lr: 0xe7d27e002e5903a8 sp: 0xfffffe5f7b29bd70
pc: 0xfffffe002e59056c cpsr: 0xa0401208 esr: 0xfffffe5f96000005 far: 0x0000000000000084
Debugger message: panic
Memory ID: 0x1
OS release type: User
OS version: 24D70
Kernel version: Darwin Kernel Version 24.3.0: Thu Jan 2 20:24:16 PST 2025; root:xnu-11215.81.4~3/RELEASE_ARM64_T6000
Fileset Kernelcache UUID: 8D9986D5622B565EF6B6BFB3A741DD11
Kernel UUID: 8E5733D5-D705-3E2B-BEE4-6DCEDD18EC0B
Boot session UUID: CFE72968-F3AA-4AA3-B90B-5459E81FF246
iBoot version: iBoot-11881.81.4
secure boot?: YES
roots installed: 0
Paniclog version: 14
KernelCache slide: 0x0000000025a14000
KernelCache base: 0xfffffe002ca18000
Kernel slide: 0x0000000025a1c000
Kernel text base: 0xfffffe002ca20000
Kernel text exec slide: 0x000000002712c000
Kernel text exec base: 0xfffffe002e130000
mach_absolute_time: 0x1198e742f40
Epoch Time: sec usec
Boot : 0x67c5e9b3 0x000cb7b9
Sleep : 0x67c71e3f 0x00057b5f
Wake : 0x67c7206f 0x000ec483
Calendar: 0x67c72104 0x000b9789
I do have quite a few peripherals plugged in, however it has also done this with no peripherals plugged in. I saw a post stating it could be antivirus software, yet I've had this software for years and I've never had an issue with it. Throwing my error message into charGPT stated it could be a USB device, however I've had this issue with nothing plugged in as well. If anyone has any ideas please let me know!
Thank you!
MacBook Pro 16″, macOS 15.3