Photos taken with my IPhone 15 pro (80+ at least) vanished when searching for them on my IPad.
First of all, I am not searching for sympathy but urgentie looking for help.
Due to my fast to come cremation I was looking for lots of old pictures in our stored photo books. That is, the paper versions. 🤭
This afternoon I made a proper selection of about 80+ pictures, clipped them a bit, changed width and height and stored them. At least that was all I wanted. With ICloud they could be synchronized with IPad so I could use them on IMovie.
Surprise surprise. About 10-15 are seen and all others vanished to ………
Any idea what went wrong? As my life expectation is about 10 days so the available time is limited and even then the time to work with IMovie which I hardly ever used before, is another issue.
Please help.
iPhone 15 Pro, iOS 18