Importing footage from P2 card cameras into Final Cut Pro 11
I am trying to import footage from the Panasonic HVX-200 into Final Cut Pro 11, on a 2022 Mac Studio running Sonoma OS. For context, I used this camera professionally from 2007-2019 on an older Mac, using FCP 7 to import footage from its P2 cards. I understood the workflow and the vocabulary of this era of tech. Now I have upgraded to FCP 11 and I am struggling to grasp the basics of how it interfaces with this older camera.
What I am asking for help with is and resources, opinions, guidance, or video tutorials, on how to operate this specific combination of gear. The workflow was seamless and straightforward before upgrading to FCP 11 - I can get it to see the cards and their contents in the import media window, but it’s insanely slow importing the media to my scratch disc. It seems to be eating up a huge amount of drive space compared to the actual size of the footage on the cards (a couple 30-60 minute clips at 15-25 GB in 720p60).
Anyone have any helpful advice here?
iPhone 15 Pro, iOS 18