Dannymac22 wrote: Oh, I see. If you tap on the picture, those thumbnail pictures will disappear. I guess the question is then how to make sure they don't happen in the first place.
You're right-- there's a "Preview" version that gives you access to editing controls, and there's a "Full Screen" mode for looking at the pretty pictures. Of course, you have to have both and, as you said, tapping is how you toggle between the two views.
I, too, get irritated by the filmstrip and buttons showing up when I just want to scroll through pictures! If I can slide my finger perfectly horizontally, then the scroll is smooth and the pictures are full screen and lovely. But an accidental tap brings up the filmstrip! I think it's mostly keeping my finger down in the scroll long enough for the phone to know I'm not tapping.
I think the answer to your question is that you have to be extra careful not to let Photos think that you are tapping rather than scrolling. And then bite your tongue to avoid offending others in the room when it slips up.