Anthony Sbarro wrote:
I only have one account on the computer.
I have all items in the Spotlight list enabled.
I am unable to drag or add any file location to the Privacy List because, as stated, I get an error that says "Privacy List Error. The item couldn't be added or removed because of an unknown error."
I guess I can interpret that as — you can not drag & drop the" Macintosh HD volume" icon on to the window...
A SafeBoot Start up your Mac in safe mode - Apple Support will sort many anomalies
Does a quick disk repair before it fully boots up, and certain system caches get cleared and rebuilt, third party system modifications and system accelerations are disabled temporarily.
Login and try again.
Reboot as normal and test. Caches get rebuilt automatically.
no resolve—
Erasing Spotlight's Index Database from the—
first change directories (cd), copy and paste:
cd /System/Volumes/Data
followed by , copy and paste:
sudo rm -R .Spotlight-V100
rebuild the index, copy and paste:
sudo mdutil -E /
(note: sudo your psswd will not echo on screen type it in anyway, use the enter\return key to proceed.)
you can verify it is working by entering just about anything into the Spotlight search field...
Uninstall all third party apps that are Cleaners/Optimizers/VPN/Anti-Virus
all known to cause issues on the macOS