1) You can select your system drive in various ways. The drive is usually called "Macintosh HD" - unless you have changed it, that is what you need to be looking for
a) select it right on the desktop - if it is showing (usually at the top right of your desktop); it could be that it is not showing there, though (it is a setting in Finder)
b) Open a new window in Finder (command-N); on the sidebar, under "Locations", click on "Macintosh HD"
c) In Finder, press Command-Shift-H to open your home folder; then press Command-UpArrow three times to go
three levels up, and click to select "Macintosh HD".
2) Activity Monitor is an application that comes with every Mac; it is in /Applications/Utilities.
The easiest way to launch it is to press Command-space (which opens Spotlight), start typing Activi and pressing enter:

You can check how much of system resources is being used. Click the Memory tab since that is what interests us now:

You can see here, for example, that Safari is using 1.30GB.
If an application shows there using multiple GB this will be relevant for our discussion.
3) Etrecheck is a diagnostic utility by etresoft, a respected member of this community and frequent contributor. It was created precisely for us here to be able to better assist, by providing a report where we often find the causes of problems.
You can get it from the website etrecheck dot com