Underscoring blank spaces in Word for Mac
I spent my career in the DOS/Windows world, using WordPerfect until my employer changed to Word. I did use Macs at home, and now use Word for Mac on my MacBook because it's fairly familiar. I am trying to create a signature line in a document. In that other world, I could turn on underlining, then hit as many tabs as I wished, or run the line out to the margin, so a line would show people where to sign and date documents.
That doesn't work with Word for Mac, & Word's support system doesn't address the problem. I know that I can underscore a blank space by hitting <command>U, then <option> & the space bar, but those don't space evenly & let me align things precisely, as tabs would. Any suggestions?
Many thanks!
MacBook Pro 14″, macOS 15.1