Original iTunes Pictures option
In the original iTunes, it was used for troubleshooting and anyone could upload old pictures to obtain the memory on the iPhones. One could log into any computer to solve issue with the iPhone or download pictures. It could be done with any computer not just a personal computer. I have been reading responses of people having trouble downloading old pictures that had been uploaded like 10 years ago or so. The Apple Rep’s answer is very lame. They say we need to go to the original computer where pictures were uploaded. That’s just an excuse because before the Apple cloud existed anyone could view from any computer their pictures and upload them to their iTunes. Now, that option isn’t on the updated version of iTunes. So, where are our old pictures? As we know, we can delete stuff from any computer but it’s never permanently deleted. So, WHERE CAN I GET MY OLD PHOTOS that were uploaded to the original ITunes? I ask this question again because before the iCloud I could log into any computer and view my old pictures and that option is gone.