Mac mini 2024 Sequoia Screenshot not saved directly to external hard drive?
I have a CRUCIAL X9 external hard drive with my Mac mini 2024, Apple M4, Sequoia 15.3.2. I attempted to use Screenshot app to save Wallpaper selection (as well as Wallpaper full screen) directly to my CRUCIAL X9, but don’t see it after Capture, and have no idea where it was captured to. I selected Screenshot Options, Save To, Other Location, CRUCIAL X9 before Capture. I can change Save To to Mac mini internal hard drive and save Capture PGN file to Preset locations fine, then I can select and drag captured PGN file to CRUCIAL X9 fine. Finder accesses CRUCIAL X9 fine. I'd appreciate a solution or explanation of what is happening!
Mac mini, macOS 15.3