iTunes 10 add to library not working
Really irritating.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.4)
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.4)
Holy crap!! I don't know why that work...BUT IT WORKED!! I've been all over the internet for the past couple hours looking for a solution and tried every solution in this thread. Thank you, Andrew!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay, I thought I would try to help because I magically just fixed mine although I had no idea why it fixed itself. After messing with this for days, only ONE artist that I try to add doesn't work. I realized that they were showing up in my Recently Added but not the library like other people have said. After exhausting all logical courses of action, I just right clicked a song and pressed create AAC version (no idea what that is by the way), iTunes made a noise, and all of the sudden it was all added into my Music Library. I can't tell you why it worked, but I hope it works for you!
In my case I was importing about 5K songs consecutively when the "Add to library" function stopped working. After trying some of the solutions posted in this thread, I noticed that the files I was trying to import stated "Zero bytes" in their info. Then I imported other files (with bytes!!!) and iTunes worked fine. So the "Add to library" function never was non-functional, my files where the culprit.
Itunes, windows. Same thing. Import files, or add files to library. They do not show up in the "recently added" list untill the next day - or the next time I turn on itunes, IF they show up at all.
major bug in this version.
Then again, I have had a major bug in EVERY version of Apple software I have attempted to upgrade to. Not too happy with their overall performance lately.
Did you install the latest version of QuickTime? This has resolved the problem for me.
I agree it's a pain though.
My add to library problem was caused by not having enough space on my external (iTunes) hard drive. Removing some files solved the problem. iTunes 10.5.1, Quicktime 10.0.
Same here. iTunes, Windows 7 Pro 64-bit, quicktime 7.7.1 Added files don't show up in the Music library, but they are usually in the Recently Added playlist after restarting iTunes. Updating iTunes Match will upload or match all the "missing" files, but they still do not show up in Music and searching for them returns no matches. They are all visible in the library xml file. Restarting and rebooting has no effect. Once, after adding a new file, that file and all the previously missing files were displayed in the Music library. However, new additions since that one time are again among the missing.
Wayne exactly the same issue here! you solved my problem thanks so much!!! :-)
Worked for me, thanks.
I think Apple guys must include QT libraries in iTunes installer or add warning about such issues to it.
I am having the same problem. Have been able to add movie files for a while now (as recently as two days ago) with no problems. I just imported a CD for the first time in a long time (yesterday). I see it in Recently Added but no joy in the actual library. I tried another CD with no luck and then I added another movie and it is also not sowing up in the library. They are all in the Recently Added. I have not made any changes to my file system or storage location (NAS). I have plenty of room left on the NAS.
For those that were deleting songs... were you doing that from finder? I don't seem to have that ability from the Recently Added playlist in iTunes.
Very frustrating!!!
OS X Lion, iTunes 10.5.2, QT Player 10.1.
I just tried to download a song from itunes and it also is not getting added to the library. It is showing up in "purchased" but not in the music section of iTunes.
Spent a little over an hour on the phone with the apple folks.
Tried several things to no avaail. Final aswer (For OS X)
Go to Finder/Library/cache - delete all files
Go To Finder/Library/Preferences - delete
Itunes will open as if it never had before... point to your library and it should work. Mine took a few minutes, but when I tried to import a song that was imported yesterday (several times) it showed I had 4 instances of that song. Same with anything else I did multiple times.
This is all probably akin to reinstalling iTunes, but without the headache.
Backing up iTunes library now... just in case...
Install QuickTime.
Is the Quicktime your reference different from the Quicktime Player that is native with OS X Lion? I have the most current version of that.
I resolved this issue by signing out of my itunes account then siginging back in. All the music the was not showing after importation now appears. Hope this helps others!
iTunes 10 add to library not working