Data Usage Error- iPhone reports using 4GB sent & 4.1GB received??
To avoid being stuck on the phone for another 40 minutes, I went to the Genius Bar. The "Genius" there had no idea why the phone reported that amount. He claimed that the amount was accumulated, I replied that there's no way I could've used that amount of data since July and I have reset the counter on 10/4/10. My send data is always 1/10th of what I receive. He claimed that the data counter includes Wifi usage. I stressed that the counter says that it is "Cellular Network Data" again and again seeing if he might correct himself. His final solution was to just restore the phone.
I went home, reset the usage counter, connected to wifi, downloaded and an app, and voila! the data usage says 0 bytes received proving that my wifi has not been running up the counter. Apparently Apple needs restaff that store.
I've discovered a few ways to accurately check my data through AT&T:
1) Get AT&T's myWireless app (which I am unable to access because I am not the AT&T account holder.)
2)*3282# receives an alert on data usage.
3) simply call AT&T
Here's my question: How could the counter come up with that outrageous of a number? I wouldn't want it to someday send that data amount to AT&T and bill me for it.
iPhone 4, iOS 4