Sure, I'll be glad to.
These are the specific files (and URLs) I was having trouble with earlier today: esDayAfterDayOfInfamy.mp3
and esPearlHarbor.mp3
They are podcast files and are 53 MB and 50 MB respectively.
Incidentally, I was able to come up with only one related topic:
QT 7.0.2 imports frames out of order if names are long??
I seem to recall this happening before but cannot be more specific since I only began using OS X 10.2 earlier this year and then switched to 10.4 shortly after its release. So I don't remember if I encountered the same thing under Jaguar or not.
Having long filenames allows me to retain the long filenames one typically gets with files originating on Windows platforms as well as unix/linux platforms. Even Apple's software downloads has files with long filenames (i.e., > 31 characters). So, yes, it is important at least as far as maintaining continuity.
I've been getting around it by renaming the files after downloading them, but that gets old fast.
PowerMac G3 Blue & White/MACHSpeed G4-600 MHz Mac OS X (10.4.3)