Just installed 4.2.1, but no Airplay button is visible on the iPhone music app. I have an Airport Extreme and I can stream to my Logitech Sqeezebox device. With this work only with an Apple TV?
That's basically my problem, I don't see the AirPlay button. I've got an Airport Extreme, iMac, and iTunes 10. I can now stream wirelessly from my iMac to my Logitech Sqeezebox device to my hifi speakers.
You need an AirPlay-capable device enabled on your network, otherwise the button will not be displayed. At the moment, I'm only aware of the AppleTV and Airport Express supporting AirPlay output.
Please, let's be more specific with this information. Despite Apple's generic hype (including the new Airprint function which it turns out currently only works with 6 more obscure printers, whoopdeedoo) the ATV must be the new 2nd gen device, Airplay does not work with the original ATV.
i have just downloaded the new update on my iphone 4 and my ipad
airplay was showing on iphone at first then it wasn't and still isn't
on the ipad it never showed
new apple tv is on with 4.0 software
any ideas
thank you
We have two of the new Mac Minis, one Airport Express and 4 iPhones in the house - and we can use Airplay from both PC´s to the Airport Express hooked up to the stereo - works fine!
And we can se the Airplaybutton on the iPhones and the name of the Airport Express - but we don´t get any sound when we push the button and it turns blue?
We have rebooted alle the devices, made restores, reconnected - but no sound?
iOS4.2 is a disappointment. Can't print from my iPhone4 because I don't have on of the very few printers that support it, though I have a wireless network printer that works fine. Additionally, I have speakers that work wirelessly with my mac, they are seen by my iPhone, but no sound comes out.
There is a bug in the OS in that Airplay is NOT appearing on some devices—across all capable apps. Installed iOS 4.2.1 on an iPad, iPhone 4 and iPod (new). Airplay works on all but my iPhone. Don't know what the fix is other than wipe it out and start over (not desirable at ALL).
If you power down and power up your iPhone 3GS the icon will appear if you have everything else (airport express, apple tv 2, etc..). I'm just bummed that you can't stream off of the phone and the iPhone at the same time. It would cool to, say, have your iPhone plugged into speakers in the kitchen while streaming to the living room.