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iTunes store account hacked

I'm posting this just to share my story and get reactions. It's a little detailed but I thought worth sharing.

On November 23, 2010 I purchased a single song from the iTunes store for .99. I used store credit that I had from a gift card I received last year. It was the first purchase I had made since July 2010.

On November 25, 2010 I received a receipt for 2 more separate orders to my account. These were for over $50 in iPhones apps. Here's a sampling of some of the purchases:

1 eREAD isoshu, v1.5, Seller: ChengDu YueTong Internet Information Co. Ltd (17+)
2 Plants vs. Zombies, v1.3, Seller: PopCap Games, Inc. (iDP)
3 Monkey Island 2 Special Edition: LeChuck's Revenge, v1.1, Seller: Lucasfilm International Services Inc.
4 Asphalt 5, v1.2.6, Seller: Gameloft (9+)
5 Let's Golf!® 2, v1.0.1, Seller: Gameloft (4+)
6 Frames & FX for Photos, v2.5.1, Seller: Imikimi, LLC (12+)
7 Stenches: A Zombie Tale of Trenches, v1.0.1, Seller: Thunder Game Works (9+)

I do not have a credit card linked to my account, so these were made using my store credit.

I have only 1 computer authorized for my account (my personal home computer). I live alone and no one else touches my Powerbook but me. I also DO NOT own an iPhone, so I would have no interest in apps.

After I saw these bizarre purchases, I checked my account. I noticed 2 strange things: My account information had changed: My street address was correct, but city, state and zip had changed to: Towson, MD 21286-7840. I have never lived in Maryland. Also, I noticed that my password recovery answer had changed to "Murray" in response to a question about my mother's maiden name. That's decidedly NOT my mother's maiden name. Also, my birthdate had changed to an incorrect month and day.

I immediately changed my password and my recovery question/answer challenge.

I reported problems on all of these purchases and also contacted iTunes Account Support by e-mail.

Within 24 hours I received an e-mail from "Vicki" at iTunes Customer Support. She wrote:

"When reviewing over your account "name@domain.net" and the two reported orders, it shows that the content purchased within them was acquired from the computer that is currently authorized for your iTunes account. So I strongly advise that you do consult with those in your household regarding the purchases made, and the charges that resulted from those purchases."


"I have gone and reversed the charges for the two orders....You will see a store credit in three to five business days....Please note that this is a one-time exception, as the iTunes Store Terms and Conditions state that all sales are final."

I am pleased that Apple is refunding my store credit and replied so quickly.

However, it is simply impossible that these purchases were made from my computer. Again, my Powerbook is the only computer I have ever authorized to access my account, and I am the only person with access to it.

I am not sure how this happened. Any thoughts or similar experiences?

Powerbook G4, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

Posted on Nov 28, 2010 3:43 PM

1,958 replies

Jul 22, 2011 11:37 AM in response to karim190

Got hacked, too. Someone (A Matt -- based on the computer he activated on my account) downloaded a lot of Tupac and many episodes of Dexter. Got the same old, same old response a number of days after the fact from Apple support. My account is locked down, which ***** because I can't get any more books on my iPad until this gets resolved.

As a stockholder and a former tech magazine editor, I'm not amused. If I'm not happy with the outcome, I plan to contact the Pennsylvania Attorney General's office and ask them to investigate.

Jul 25, 2011 6:13 PM in response to zerg1234

I don't see a way to use iTunes anymore, unfortunately. My credit card was compromised immediately after renting a movie from iTunes about 3 weeks ago. Luckily my Credit Union caught it. But why would I put my new number in the system? And speaking of "system," has anyone noticed how incredibly cumbersome it is to use the customer help system at Apple. It's easy to buy -- click! But any problem? Forget it!

Jul 26, 2011 6:29 AM in response to markj1882

Still no response from Apple, spoke to 3 people in Apple store, 1 who was manager, still no further forward, itunes store never respond to emails, only ever get occasional "we have received your email auto reply"

Have now been unable to use store to sort out apps, Lion etc since 21st July, appallingly slow customer service and no one you can phone, for a company as big as Apple this is ridiculous😠

Jul 27, 2011 9:35 AM in response to stereocourier

Add me to the list. Yesterday was the second time my account has been compromised, and my gift card balance has been drained. The first time it happened they charged around $30 to in-app purchases from RacingLive, as well as changed my address to Towson, MD. I was pretty mad at the response I got from Apple, a canned e-mail explaining how In-App purchases work. I finally got the charges reversed, but I'm still not convinced that anyone on their end even read what I was saying. That was about six months ago. Yesterday, it happened again. $19.99 for 帝國 Online, leaving me with a gift card balance of $.49. Still waiting to hear back from Apple.

Jul 27, 2011 1:29 PM in response to stereocourier

I discovered from iTunes receipts emailed to me that 4 unauthorised purchases had been made from my account (gift card) totalling around 28 UK pounds (around $45) . All were to do with Sega Kingdom Come.

I emailed Apple support and today (4 days later) received a polite email apologising for the delay and crediting my account. They also asked me to reset my password.

I hope others have an equally positive experience.

Jul 28, 2011 9:54 AM in response to stereocourier

Looks like it is my turn.

Despite having a very secure password, and extreme practices of online safety, my iTunes account was compromised.

Though I was quick to change the password, I still got dinged.

A game Order and Chaos was purchased (FREE - for a 6.99 game actually - a 'gift from michelle' was the note)

Today I got a the following note:

Order & Chaos© Online, 95 runes, Seller: Gameloft S.A.


In App Purchase






Order Total:


I do not know if this happened before my password changed, or after, nor can I figure out HOW they got my password, but I hope there are no more, and that Apple helps me out.

I want this game off my account... And my money back.

Sadly I have heard a lot of people had issues with Order & Chaos© Online, so why is this app still allowed to exsist on the store?

I will let you know if Apple steps up to help.

Thank goodness I only use iTunes cards.

Aug 1, 2011 3:15 PM in response to Eagerbob

Had an email today saying a purchase had been made from a unauthorized machine, and also that someone had attempted to change my credit card details. So I've checked my account and someone had purchased Flight Tycoon and 3 seperate in app purchases at half 5 this morning! I too had money in my account from a gift card. My account details haven't changed except for the fact I have no credit card details on the account anymore.

From reading others responses, it appears that the people doing this are unable to hack the actual credit card, just the account. Why bother to risk prosecution for the sake of playing a few apps? The only other explanation would be that the hackers are purchasing their own apps using others itunes credit, therefore getting the money themselves. This surely can't be the case with such a popular app as Flight Tycoon.

I have emailed iTunes, so hopefully I will receive a reimbursment. You don't suppose all our passwords are the same?! And someone is using software to go through account names trying the password?

Aug 1, 2011 3:51 PM in response to stereocourier

iTunes account hacked...gift card drained on July 28...since all the apps were from 1 Chinese developer, makes sense they might be most interested in driving sales and raising app popularity.

Serious data security breach with iTunes. Appears they looked at my credit card and other personal information -- including phone number -- and Apple appears to not even acknowledge the problem!

Now, how to get credit back?

Aug 1, 2011 4:01 PM in response to stereocourier

I've posted this twice before and emailed MacRumors about it and it doesn't seem to be getting any traction.

Go to this link: http://china.globaltimes.cn/society/2011-01/609351.html. I am certain that this is what is happening to our accounts. This follows the modus operandi of these hackers: get in, spend a little bit in small increments, and get out, without causing a disturbance. The accounts aren't being individually hacked, but hacked in large scale and then sold one by one in China.

At first I thought that maybe the points/coins/credits within the games were being sold for profit, but I am overwhelmingly convinced that the accounts are being sold individually in China.

Aug 1, 2011 6:35 PM in response to jvm61

Keep in mind just as info, I originally posted on May 28, got tuned into this mess because my Yahoo email account associated with ITunes sent me a text that someone tried to access my password via secret question so for whatever reason they are hacking, they are trying to get into other stuff. I figured they were trying to figure out the password and see if they could find anything related to the credit card. (I immediately removed the credit card and and we continue use strictly gift cards. I still had credit card on account even though we are trying to budget by using gift cards only) We "wishlist" until we have enough for a certain denomination, I buy them at Sam's Club where the more your purchase the bigger the discount, like $5 below the face value of the pack of cards, and when we have enough we load a card and spend, leaving less than a dollar. I've started changing my passwords on everything on random days, a pain but if you go back that far in the forums you will see a lot of people going through this, with several having their credit card info changed to an address in Maryland, etc.. I'm not taking any chances.

Here's what I don't understand, how some consumer/pc watchdog or competitor group hasn't gotten their claws into this yet? Itunes was hacked, gift card on file was drained, Apple was very responsive to refund, but there has to be something internal somewhere leaving consumers vulnerable...needs to be addressed and is prime pickings for the competition isn't it? If someone could make this public somehow it would be fixed in a heartbeat..I know any thought I had of purchasing and IPAD for ebooks is on hold right now. I'm not going to be stressed about carrying a balance and going through the deactiviate/reactivate process all the time.

Aug 2, 2011 10:06 AM in response to stereocourier

I see allot of things that looks like my problem. Only thing is i linked my apple account to a click & buy account. I used a password that no one knows and only use it for my app account, and changed it like a month ago. The biggest problem is ( last sunday ) someone bought apps for € 736,-. Made allot of calls had to go to the police station to complain a file. I dont know how its possible to hack like that. It really ****** me off, why would someone do that? The weirdest thing is i cant see on my apple account what the hacker bought, i only see he bought allot of things in the apple store on a email conformation from click and buy. Hope it will be solved...

Aug 2, 2011 11:31 AM in response to stereocourier

I used a debit card to download free apps to my iPod Touch, and had several charges each month for itunes purchases, didn't notice for a while. Have only used gift cards since, now it seems those are not safe either. Wanted to by Lion with a gift card the day it came out but havent bothered. Also have only bought mp3s from amazon ever since that happened. Really appreciate everyone on here who let me know gift cards are not safe. Wonder if it has to do with wifi traffic being hacked when people enter their info, whether credit card or gift card.

Aug 2, 2011 1:32 PM in response to stereocourier

This happend to me today $50 in itunes store credit gone, thanks to "kingdomConquest" which i never downloaded, or even knew existed till today. Called apple waiting on them to contact me back. I have removed all payment methods from my account and changed the password and email address, also deauthorized all the devices linked to the account. After reading through the post here i'm trying to figer out why apple doesn't just remove the apps in question from the app store.

iTunes store account hacked

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