found and implemented the following:
*1) Issue causing the symptom:*
Looks like's there's a circumstance after OSX 10.5 when running an applescript from a rule. This issue is where one calls the apple script and within the applescript performs some processing using the ( Tell application "mail") or performing direct references/methods to it whilst inline. The error message notes this as +the method must be called of {out of??} the main thread+.
After some long time looking I found these links , the first one from Horito was most helpful and obvious. (thanks mate).
and this eon to which he refers....
Simply all that is needed it ro make the specific methods into another method outside the main call ofthe applescript called by the mail rule.
*2) Here's what i did:*
Took the main bits and pieces of the apple script main and made a handler with all the stuff in it
global some
global another
using terms from application "Mail" -- directly called from rule
on perform mail action with messages bunch
(* any other set up initialisation stuff here *)
(* call main handler outside of main thread to avoid error "
* Assertion failure in -[MimeBody dataForMimePart:], /SourceCache/Message/Message-1082/Message.subproj/MIME.subproj/MimeBody.m:422 This method must be called off the main thread " *)
my main
end perform mail action with messages
end using terms from
(* _ avoid assertion failure error messages for mail rule applescripts _*)
(* _ move all the work from the main thread _*)
using terms from application "Mail" -- using mail app defs
on main
(* put goodies here .. *)
(* get mail attachments and sav them etc *)
(* use other services / handlers ... tell application "database Events" etc etc *)
return 0
end main
mail_scripthandler -- end of the main thing
end using terms from
Workround? : yes works ok and not any effort to do really. Ths circumvention stops the messages coming out in the /var/console such as :
+05/01/2011 6:04:58 PM Mail[4121]
* Assertion failure in -[MimeBody dataForMimePart:], /SourceCache/Message/Message-1082/Message.subproj/MIME.subproj/MimeBody.m:422+
+This method must be called off the main thread+
+ 0 Message 0x00007fff866f06e4 -[MFAssertionHandler _handleFailureWithPreamble:description:arguments:] + 137+
+ 1 Message 0x00007fff866f0649 -[MFAssertionHandler handleFailureInMethod:object:file:lineNumber:description:] + 220+
so I guess the circumstance doesn't hap[en.
I will leave this open for a while in case anyone has some other fixes.
Thansk to Hiroto in for his great post on this issue.
Happy New Year from Hong Kong!.