MDD Dual 1.25 G4 (2003)
I have a Dual 1.25 G4 MDD (2003 model), and I cannot find my software restore discs. Two questions:
Does anyone know exactly which discs originally shipped with this computer (the Apple part numbers of the individual discs and of the Power Mac G4 Media package)? This information would really help my search for these from various used Mac vendors.
Is there anyone in California who has this particular model of computer? I ask because it seems that Apple offers support/sells parts for computers purchased in CA that were discontinued fewer than seven years ago, which includes this model ( It seems to me that someone in CA with the 2003 MDD would be able to order replacement copies of system discs from Apple - so if you're out there, please contact me.
As far as I've read, I cannot order the discs direcly from Apple: I sure understand that they only have so many people to field calls and solve problems, and so they put priority on service for recent products, but I'm still going to call SOS-APPL first thing Monday and see what they can do. I've been a loyal Mac user for nearly 25 years, and I've been fortunate to have responsive people on the line for past tech support calls, so maybe I'll catch a break. In any event, the more information I have, the better off I'll be, so I'd appreciate any advice anyone can send my way.
Thanks to anyone who can help.
1.25 DP G4 MDD (2003), Mac OS X (10.4.11)