I had a very similar issue which prevented me from updating, only it was worded in a slightly different manner. Instead of reading "Sign in to (null) to update applications for that account," mine read "To update this application, sign into the account you used to purchase it."
The thing was, I knew that I hadn't used any other account because I (a) don't have any others and (b) had posted a review for the app in question under the single account name I use.
The Apple Support person was actually very helpful in my case – when I wrote that I'd already tried deleting the offending application and reinstalling it, Gautam explained that if there was still an icon pointing to it from the dock, the deleting and reinstalling procedure wouldn't work.
Is there a chance that the folks who are still having this issue have references to their apps from the Dock or from a Stack? I'm not knowledgeable about the technical side of all this, but perhaps the Spotlight re-indexing "solution" doesn't work when there's an alias lurking somewhere in the Dock/Stacks?
For the Terminal-averse, this is at least another thing to try, and it did indeed solve my issue. Good luck!