how to remove a shared computer
MP 2.8/8 cores, MBP 2.8, 16GB RAM,, Mac OS X (10.6.3), ATI 3850
MP 2.8/8 cores, MBP 2.8, 16GB RAM,, Mac OS X (10.6.3), ATI 3850
This worked for me, on macOS Sierra:
1. Restart Bonjour
- Click Launchpad in the Dock, then Other > Terminal
- In the Terminal window, enter the following:
sudo killall -m mDNSResponder
2. Restart Finder
- Hold down ctrl+alt and click the Finder icon in the Dock
- Select "Relaunch" from the drop-down list
Tried this. Had my 'Share file and folders...' already unchecked. I checked it, applied the changes, then unchecked it and applied changes. That did the trick. Hope it helps others.
I had the same problem. I didn't recognise one user under the 'shared' heading in Finder and after some research this method worked in removing unknown users with peculiar names:
go on system preferences
click on the 'sharing' folder
select the second option in the list on the left panel (file sharing)
and under 'shared folders:' NOT 'users:' click the folder and select the '-' option underneath this box to delete it for public sharing.
i don't need to share anything so i was happy to delete this and when u go on finder, you should only recognise networks/ computer names which are currently using your wifi (UK 'Sky' provider for me).
I'm new to mac's so I'm just getting used to this whole idea, but i love it. hope this helped 🙂
You all are making this way to complicated. In the sidebar in your Finder window, under your "Shared" group, if you see the name of another computer, the way to remove it is to go onto the OTHER computer and remove the option to "share" the files and folders.
I recently transferred from and iMac to a Macbook Pro. I had connected the two via firewire to transfer all of my files/settings/etc. from my iMac to my Macbook Pro. After wiping my iMac, I noticed my Macbook Pro still showed up in my iMac Finder Sidebar. This is after reformatted the HD, and reinstalling OS X. The fix was to remove the "sharing" option from the device that is doing the sharing, not the device that is the recipient of the shared content.
Anyway, I know I'm a nobody here, but thought I'd share how I fixed this.
I think you are kind of missing the point mate. The question is how do you remove computers from the Finder sidebar, when the computers do not actually exist?!? Logging onto computers than are not actually there, is quite tricky!
I didn't read all the reply, but I had the same problem before, what I did was changed my Computer Name under >System Preferences >Sharing
all Devices were gone and then go beck to >Finder >Go > Connect to Server... to re-connect the one I need...
now, I have only one Device under Shared
(P.S. I didn't changed back the old name to see if all old Devices still there tho)
Someone (I can't remember if it was on this thread or elsewhere) provided imho the easiest fix:
Simply turn sharing off and on again. Or on and then off... toggle it basically.
The imaginary servers disappear.
After spending quite some time on the apple help line and being transferred to a senior person (allegedly) and making quite a few changes to remove all the shared computers 13 in number (I have never shared my iMac) they then got me to re-load the OS X 10.10.4 and some hour later the bloody shares were still showing. I then un-ticked Bonjour Computers in the Finder Prefs/sidebar and they are all gone. Pity the guys at Apple are not aware of this it could have saved two hours........I then did a search and found your post...
A simple soulution to fix this is to go to system prferences and click on networks and go to the bottom and click on advanced and uncheck "Remember networks this computers has joined
Thanks!! This helped me!!
Worked perfectly! Switch off and unplug everything from Airport extreme. Wait 30 seconds. Plug in and switch on. All the old shares from non existent computers gone! Magic. Shares are cached there, not in your computer. Leave everything else alone and just switch it on and off and they are forgotten. Many thanks.
Yep worked for me
Bought a used macbook and all the PC's were there
Checked and unchecked the box as per ^^^^ instructions and they have gone
The information is not stored on the router as the router this Mac was last connected to is 1000 miles away !
Something is not right with the answer that "someone are just sharing their PC"...Because how can that piece of information get in to your private network if nothing but the Internet Service provider suppose to have access to show data in to your system?
In other words how can your next door neighbor computer show on yours if he is not connected to your router or wifi? How can you see him if you are "not" connected to his wifi?
For what I understand you can only use one wireless or networking service at time, right? At least on a End User set up.
Thanks!It helped!
My issue was a Synology DiskStation that stayed in the list after it was configured then taken to work. I tried all the ideas above.
I fixed it by rebooting my Airport Extreme.
My theory is that the server's information was stored on the Airport Extreme and published on the network even after the server was gone. I also noticed that my home Synology had a different name (DiskStation #2 or something). Rebooting the Airport Extreme cleared that information and now it only publishes devices actually on the network.
Yep. Unplugging all routers on the network (wires and wireless), waiting a minute to make sure any cached info is cleared, then restarting worked for me. The drive connection histories, including "ghost drives," seems to be stored on the routers.
how to remove a shared computer