Years ago there was a work around for turning off Quartz Extreme on older versions of OSX
I believe you are thinking of another QE issue. QE was not supported for PCI video cards like in the G3 minitowers and the first G4s. QE would, by default only work with an AGP video card. There was a hack to change QE support from AGP to a PCI card. It worked but w could cause other PCI cards to stop working.
Having uses a PCI G3 lacking QE support for years, trust me when I say you do NOT want it turned off. 2D actions like scrolling and dragging are miserable.
I agree with the wise Hobo--Dashboard remains running in the background once you activate it. Widgets that have to "phone home" regularly (site monitoring widgets; web cam widgets; some weather widgets) can eat a lot of resources. YOu can either completely disable Dashboard or, what I did: get the amazingly useful widget
It lets you use Dashboard and then turn it off with a click. Very nice to have. Lets you get the benefit from widgets without paying the performance price when you are done widgeting.
I don't consider Spotlight a big resource hog except when you first upgrade the system. I upgraded my G4 tower from 10.4 to 10.5 last evening and the initial Spotlight indexing ran for several hours. Now it's finished and things are back to normal. With normal computing patterns, Spotlight will run only for short intervals. The only times I had it seem obvious after the initial indexing was when I moved a larger number of files from a backup drive to my boot volume.