iOS 4.3 breaks Wireless N (802.11n) in 2.4 and 5 GHz bands on iPad, iphone4
I put 4.3 back on things and did more tests..
4.3 prevents ANY iDevice , including the ATV2 from using 802.11n in any band.
Many ppl don't see this because their routers are in mixed mode. So for 5ghz ppl , the devices drop to 802.11a, and for 2.4ghz ppl, the devices drop to G.
I hate mixed mode on routers because it degrades performance(so I don't use it). So my 5ghz band is N only and my 2.4 is G only. So I noticed this right away. But once I set my 2.4ghz to n only mode , no idevice running 4.3 could connect to any band. nothing would touch it
This also is not a 40mhz vs 20 issue as my 5ghz was forced to 40 and the iPad and ATV used it just fine under 4.2.1, and i tried 20mhz N only on both bansd and still nothing would connect.
I'm a computer engineer and programmer so I troubleshooted every possible cause with this affecting all idevices, and what I see on the forums this is a HUGE screw up in the release of iOS 4.3
I'm just shocked there are NO press releases. 54Mbit is not enough to stream HD movies to an iPad. The iPad does not buffer to storage like the ATV2, it buffers to ram. So on a G/A network, HD video streams to my iPad then stops every 1-2 mins
However, I was able to downgrade everything to 4.2.1 again because apple is still signing it
I started a new thread , this one, with a better title so search engines, etc can find this info easier
Message was edited by: TallBearNC
Dell XPS 720, Windows 7