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Intermittent Wifi issues with iPad 2 and WiFi

Greetings Community,

I recently purchased the iPad 2 16GB WiFi only device. One thing I noticed, the WiFi will only work for a short while, then completely stop. I have to disable and enable the wireless to get it working again. Anyone else having this issue? Any resolution? iOS version is 4.3.



Message was edited by: sjobalia

iPad 2, iOS 4

Posted on Mar 12, 2011 10:42 AM

1,704 replies

Aug 14, 2012 6:40 AM in response to IdrisSeabright


T.B.H it's draining dealing with Apple with respect to this problem, I have been suffering with poor wifi signal reception since we bought the item, after spending weeks experimenting with different settings, different routers, factory resets, removing possible sources of interference such as house phones, downloading signal analysers to test for other sources of interference on the same channel, sourcing iPad 2 's from others in the village to test (which worked fine b.t.w) etc etc (meanwhile the no quibble returns policy expires), the only conclusion I came to was a hardware fault.

Contacting Apple support sent me through exactly the same procedures (with notably the same results), culminating in a return to the technical / diagnostic centre. Around 10 days later I received exactly the same iPad back with a patronising letter stating that they couldn't find any fault with the product and I should make sure that it is 'fully charged'. (You can imagine the steam coming from my ears at this point!!)

I have given up, my wife who bought it for me as a Birthday present is feeling some dismay at the disappointment and the money that was spent on the item. It now gets used by the kids for watching movies on long journeys, the odd game of 'monster match' when it's raining outside and when we're sat in the living room (within 2 metres of the router) we use it for a bit of Facebook catch up and the weekly online shopping. It has been a complete disappointment and suffers from a fundamental hardware fault, which for a product who's sole method of communication with the outside world is by wifi it is an epic, epic fail.

The fact that Apple will not even admit to the 'possibilty' there is a hardware problem with certain models of iPad 2's, put some tiny percentage of their budget to investigating the issue is not only an insult to loyal customers, it is a fundamental management failure.

Aug 22, 2012 12:33 PM in response to sjobalia

For many people, including myself, their iPads were working fine and picking up Wi-Fi one minute then, all the sudden, their iPads stopped picking up the all important Wi-Fi signal.

For me, it was Monday night.

One minute my wife was researching something then the next minute it wouldn't connect to the Internet. Nothing had changed; no other device in the house had an issue, just the iPad.

So, of course, you read all of the possible solutions here - from the absolutely ridiculous to the somewhat plausible - and go through each one. The whole time you think to yourself, “But everything else works, including a bunch of iOS devices! In fact, now that I think about it, if it were my router, my iPad would at least see the many other networks in the building.”

So, you go to sleep. You let the iPad play a movie so it will drain all the way. Of course it doesn't. A little joke from Steve Jobs I guess. You finally get it to power down. You wait. You charge it. For a brief second you see the Wi-Fi networks. You get excited. You put your password in. Nothing. You think, oh, maybe I did that wrong. You check. No, it's right. You try again. Nothing. You check other devices to see if maybe, just maybe you got the password wrong. No, it is right. Nothing.

The next step, of course, is to back her up and wipe her clean. You do. You hope, by taking her back to her original state, you will get your baby back.

Upon restart, to your horror, she gets stuck at the “Log on to Wi-Fi Network” screen. You bypass this thinking that, once you get a little further along you can coax her into working.

It doesn't work.

You wipe her again.

She still gets stuck at the “Log on to Wi-Fi Network screen.”

You leave for work.

You are late.

You come home that night. You resist the urge to mess with her too much before dinner. You try again after the last dish is in the washer. Nothing. You ponder. Try again. Nothing. You get angry. Think. Pace. Think more. Ponder. Think. Sulk. Feel helpless. You are defeated.

You must go to the Genius Bar. It is your only hope.

You tell your wife, daughter and two-year old son, if they have nothing to do, to go to the Apple Store to see if their beloved can be brought back to life.

Your wife, being the sophisticated iOS user that she is (and visitor to the Genius Bar - where you only go when you have a problem, if you catch my drift), makes an appointment rather than heading in.

She's smart.

She calls you at work from the Genius Bar and tells you that the Genius says, “It is a hardware issue and your iPad is out of warranty. They will replace it for $250.


Now, I've been using computers and tech devices for awhile now. They fail. I get that. They, like humans, fail sometimes. Particularly moving parts. Hard drives, back in the day, used to fail so often…

But my BS detector really does not think that the Wi-Fi portion of my iPad failed while sitting on the table between uses by my wife and I.

My BS detector sends me to the Internet where I see many people complain of the same issue. They had Wi-Fi but then it disappeared.

My BS detector tells me to tell my wife to tell the Genius that I do not believe it is a hardware issue. I hear my son crying in the background. For once that is the sound of hope. Who can refuse a woman with a (cute) crying two year old? Who?

Apple. That’s who.

My wife calls back and says, “Well, I got nothing. The guy said he would be back in five minutes. I waited fifteen and he didn’t come back. I spoke to a manager and asked if there was anything else that could be done. He said nope.” I hang up the phone.

I am seething.
I think back on this, read up, realize that the trouble is the last iOS upgrade, the 5.1.1 that many others have mentioned, and not my hardware.

I see no official word from Apple on this. I know I am being hard done.

I want to take $250 in pennies to the Apple Store.


I want to say they can replace something they know to be defective for free or we will take our $250 and head elsewhere.

I calm down.

I read every one of the posts here.

I am both angry and depressed. Let’s call it dangressed.

I realize that, unless some technology miracle happens and it starts working again or Apple either decides to make good or is hit with a class action lawsuit or an iOS update comes out that fixes this issue, I am stuck with a very expensive device that cannot connect to the Internet.

It’s because of a hardware issue and, oh, by the way, it’s not under warranty.

No worries. I will get over it.

I got over it when the batteries died in iPods I bought so I will get over this too.

But, you know what.

This time is different.

I’m not just going to go back and give them my money.

I will take my $250 to another company.

I will find another tablet.

I will take this further.

I will also make sure that my wife gets a non-Apple phone when her contract is up.

I will stop buying apps from the App Store.

I will stop buying music from iTunes (illdotlogic will be the last thing I ever bought - http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/dreams-in-stereo/id453050405).

I won’t buy movies for trips for the kids.

I will stop singing the praises of Apple.

I will make sure my kids know to stay clear of their products.

I will make sure my family and friends know of the mysterious hardware issue.

Sure, I’ve got 1,2,3,4,5,6,7…no, 8 Apple devices in my home.

Sure, I’ve bought many as gifts for friends and family.

Sure, I’ve got, as of this minute, $28,913.45 in AAPL stock.

But I’ve also got some self respect.

But I’ve also got a brain.

But I’ve also had enough.

Goodbye Apple.
Obviously you won’t miss me and the lifetime of purchases lost because of me and my family. We are just a rounding error.

But, you know what? I suspect there will be many more people like me soon.

That’s Sad.

God Bless You and God Bless the United States of America

Aug 27, 2012 6:53 AM in response to sjobalia

My Ipad 2 was working good singe 2 weeks ago.

I am using an Airport extreme as router since last year. Nothing changed, All the others devices ( Mac mini Iphone4 Iphone 3gs) works just fine.

The only think I can add to this post is that problems starts after using the At&t 3G signal for a couple days.

I'll try to reset the router I hope this will help.


Aug 28, 2012 2:11 AM in response to sjobalia

Hi. We have two iPad2 devices in our household. the second one is approximately 9 months newer than the first one we bought. Along with all of the other connected devices in our house (iPhone, Blackberry, Laptop, Wii, XBox, etc) both iPad2's worked fine until recently. But now, the Wi-Fi connection on the newer iPad2 only works sporadically, i.e. the signal keeps dropping out. It works fine if you are close to the router but if you put both iPad's side by side in a room where the router is not located, the signal strength on the newer iPad2 is often much weaker then the older model. However, the Wi-Fi settings on both iPad's are indentical, i.e. 'DHCP' IP address, HTTP Proxy is set to 'off' and both Ipad's have iOS5.1.1 installed. My router is set to WPA & WPA2 with channel selection set to automatic.

Does anyone have any suggestions? do you think my second iPad2 might have developed a fault, or should I perhaps perform a reset?

Aug 28, 2012 2:11 PM in response to Andjoco

I have two IPad2's, one of them working since day one, the other one lost WiFi after an upgrade earlier this year (I think it was 5.1)

I posted here a couple of months ago when I thought I had resolved the issue, but turned out to be incorrect. After a couple of days it stopped working again, and stayed so forever.

Since I have two IPads and heaps of other devices, I am 100% sure my problem was not in my router or in the config. One of the devices simply did not work. So after waiting for quite some time in vain for a SW patch from Apple that would resolve the issue, I finally lost patience and went to the equivalent of the Apple store where I live, and handed it over. They immediately acknowledged my problem since it did not pick up any WiFi signals in the store. A few days later I got a new one which has worked ever since. They where very vague when I asked them how common this was. "We have seen it a few times". Sure.

I am 100% convinced there is a either a HW or a low-level SW problem in some of the IPads which Apple has never acknowledged and for which they can not provide a SW fix for. If they could they would have by now. Instead they just silently replace the faulty units. Luckily, mine was still covered by warranty.

Sadly, for most of you on this thread, I am equivally convinced that you will never resolve this issue with replacement or reconfiguration of your home router. The issue is in your IPad. Full stop.

Aug 31, 2012 6:19 AM in response to sjobalia


i posted a same issue couple days ago.

I went to the Genius Bar at the Apple Store near my City and they ran an diagnostic test.

They found out that I have a bug in the OS.

they suggested to sinc all my apps and files to iTune and then restore it.

They suggest to restore by sync with iTune and not from a previous Back up, to avoid that the back up Carrie the same problem.

I did it and so fare it is working fine.

I hope this will help


Sep 12, 2012 1:17 AM in response to sjobalia

Had the same issue - ipad 2 working perfectly then for no reason at all, wifi can't connect...

I read somewhere on a forum about a guy who had the same problem and put his iPad away until he had time to deal with it, when he went back to itafter a couple of months, the battery was completely drained so he plugged it in to charge before taking it to apple and hey presto the wifi was working again.

I thought I'd try this - somehow drain the ipad of all charge - maybe it's something to do with static or a charge on the wifi module, blah...

So I ran the battery down and left the iPad for a week or so - regularly trying to switch it on to try and drain every last bit of charge from the battery and last night I charged it back up and it's been running fine!


Intermittent Wifi issues with iPad 2 and WiFi

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