Hi guys
This was the problem I was facing....
I live in a college dorm and was accessing the net through a LAN cable that came to my room.
And every time I go on the net Using my comp I have to log in through a username and password provided by my college.
To use the iPad I bought a router and used to access net on the iPad though the router.
But my wifi would disconnect every 10 mins and I had to log in again using the aforementioned username and password.
It was frustrating........I had tried all the solutions mentioned here without success.
How did I solve it????
Used my comp to connect to the router wirelessly. Opened an Internet browser, typed in the username and password
And just left it like that.
And now I find that I can connect my iPad wirelessly to the router without it disconnecting and asking for password again. That's it. The only downside is that I have to keep my comp running all the time, but that's ok.
I know not all of u are having the same problem. But if someone is and has been getting frustrated like me for the past 3 months, well then hope this helps you.
And now I can experience the iPad in all it's fullness.