To update this application, sign in to the account you used to purchase it.
Mac Mini, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
Mac Mini, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
Moving the app out of the Applications folder also seems to work. The app is updated and then you can move it back. No idea why this works, but it does!
Thanks. This has been driving me nuts. Too bad Apple support doesn't know about it.
I started having this same issue after installing Lion...
Before anyone says anything... I just purchased a brand new hard drive off Amazon for my new Lion OS, installed it, used a LEGIT actual copy of the Snow Leopard install DVD, upgraded to 10.6.8 via software update, went to the App Store, and downloaded my once again legit, purchased copy of Lion, along with the Server addon (which I haven't tried yet).
Lion loaded, nothing installed other than the base operating system. No programs, nothing other than what comes straight from the DVD of Snow Leopard and then gets installed by Lion.
It's my account... it lists both OS X Lion and Server purchased... and installed... Which is partially true. I don't have Server installed yet.
It's telling me there's an update.
Under the update tab, I get this...
While I like Angry Birds (have both the original iPhone app and then the HD release for the iPad), I never, nor will I ever purchase it for use on my MacBook Pro...
What is going on? I tried deleting the app store plist file, it worked after a restart, but reappeared...
Ok, I didn't do anything else other than sign out of my account, restart my computer, delete the plist files, restart again, and sign back in...
Problem went away!
And it came back... I give up. I have no idea what's causing it...
I deleted the application then opened the "App Store".
The App Store forced me to install a new copy instead of updating. I am installing the application right now, no more "To update this application, sign in to the account you used to purchase it" error.
This error can happen if Settings -> Spotlight has the Macintosh HD in the Privacy section (not to be indexed). Reason being App Store uses Spotlight. If you don't do this and Spotlight can index the Apps then it finds the updates and works okay.
To update this application, sign in to the account you used to purchase it.