F4 key as an "absolute" function key in excel
Mac OS X (10.4), tech support needed on powerbooks and desktops
Mac OS X (10.4), tech support needed on powerbooks and desktops
Try: fn + cmd then F4
Try: fn + cmd then F4
Is the mac equivalent of F4 in excel 2011 and will toggle the formula reference style between absolute, relative, and mixed
In Excel for Windows, when you're in edit mode within a cell, the F4 key toggles your cell references between Absolute and Relative mode. In Excel for Mac in Edit mode, the F4 key does nothing. The OP wants to know how to access that Abs/Rel toggle functionv (as did I).
Fortunately maxtopdog provides the answer below, on Aug 9 2011 (command+T).
If you're looking for a keyboard shortcut to toggle between absolute and relative references in Numbers 3, you can click the range token in a formula and hit command-k and shift-command-k.
In Excel on the Mac, as maxtopdog posted, the equivalent is command-t.
Do exactly what you would in PC Excel using F4 which is to:
1) first highlight the target cell
2) instead of F4 use command+T (which will toggle through all options: abs colume only, abs row only, abs col & row)
It's quite simple and it works for Excel 2011
You can also select the reference, then use the key combination
<command> + <shift> + k
to cycle through the combinations of absolute and relative references
<command> + t opens the font dialog.
F4 key as an "absolute" function key in excel