>I've been listening for that last 18 months to anti FCPX garbage, some of which has come from your very own mouth (I listen to Kanens podcasts).
Yeah, I'm pretty vocal about a company that supported my market VERY well, and then just up and said, "uh, nah, we don't care about your needs anymore. These people's needs are more lucrative." Just like the did with Shake. Bought it...scrapped it. But, I've gotten over it. Apple did what it would make it more money, and that is the goal of any business. Their decision is paying off. So I've moved on. Just letting someone know about the alternatives that exist for what they are hoping to accomplish.
>How are you finding FCPX for instance?
Used it for a week. Didn't like it. Moved on
>Has it created any disasters like PremPro created for you earlier this year?
Disasters? I don't recall PPro causing disasters. I've used it on small gigs and relinking to media has been a small issue. Mixing audio on it is a pain. But nothing that I'd call a disaster. If I mentioned one on a podcast or post somewhere, I've forgotten it.
>I'm all for competition in the market place, but do you think we can get past the 'jilted lover' rants and concentrate on what FCPX et al. do so well?
Who's ranting? I said if you don't like it, don't use it. I was jilted by Avid...that's what caused me to move to FCP in the first place. I ranted, and then moved on.