How do I convert a pdf to a pages document?
I have a pdf document that I need to convert to a Pages document. Can anyone help me?
I have a pdf document that I need to convert to a Pages document. Can anyone help me?
Hi Everyone,
I know this question was submitted in 2011! I am running 10.6.8, which is ridiculously old. I have iWork '09. I received a document made in Publisher / .pub format. I converted the .pub to a PDF. I used this website I was simply going to copy the text into Pages however, it copied over with no formatting, specifically, no returns. I read all the suggestions on this page and decided to convert the PDF to a doc and then let Pages convert the doc. This site converted it with excellent quality for free, fast, and did not require an email.
Once downloaded, I right clicked the document, hovered over "Open With" and chose Pages from the list.
The document had many Hawaiian words and okinas that I did not want to deal with manually. I feel this process saved me a great deal of time. I hope this can help someone if you come across this thread and your setup and situation are similar to mine.
Best regards,
Hi Everyone,
I know this question was submitted in 2011! I am running 10.6.8, which is ridiculously old. I have iWork '09. I received a document made in Publisher / .pub format. I converted the .pub to a PDF. I used this website I was simply going to copy the text into Pages however, it copied over with no formatting, specifically, no returns. I read all the suggestions on this page and decided to convert the PDF to a doc and then let Pages convert the doc. This site converted it with excellent quality for free, fast, and did not require an email.
Once downloaded, I right clicked the document, hovered over "Open With" and chose Pages from the list.
The document had many Hawaiian words and okinas that I did not want to deal with manually. I feel this process saved me a great deal of time. I hope this can help someone if you come across this thread and your setup and situation are similar to mine.
Best regards,
Pages can't open a pdf file, it can just export in that format. If you need to edit the pdf you can use Adobe Acrobat. Or, if there's not too much layout, you can simply copy the pdf text and paste it in a blank Pages document, and then edit it there.
"copy the pdf text and paste it in a blank Pages document."
can convert pdf to text,word,excel.....directly by enolsoft pdf converter.
I use on a regular basis the free PDF OCR X which apply only on single page document but I wrote a script to split multipage PDF documents.
I get good results on single column documents and this app spared a lot of time.
Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) mardi 26 avril 2011 19:16:44
I saved a web page as a PDF on my iPad. The only program it would allow me to save it in is iBooks. It's there, but have no option to send it to Pages or anywhere else, only to print it. It also won't allow me to cut and paste the text.
How can I access it? I'd love to save it as an image, but i can't figure out how to do that, either.
thanks for any help!
Before you posted, I opened a .pub file in LibreOffice v5.3.2 and noted the output formats available. There is no path to a word processing format. Instead, one can save as, or export to:
If you actually need the text of the PDF file in Pages you'll either have to perform a series of copy and pastes or purchase a program that converts PDF files to text format. Usually the output of such a program requires some editing, it isn't perfect but when the document is long, it sure beats copying and pasting page after page after page.
You can also import a single PDF file into Pages as a graphic file, not a text file. But this might be another solution.
There is now a .pdf to Pages converter that supposedly works very well. the solutions here would work but would involve a TON of manual labor and wouldn't look great because of kerning, leading etc being out of whack. Google the pdf to Pages converter and try the free demo, It's supposed to be awesome. I haven't tried it because I do most in InDesign now but I've heard excellent things about it. (I don't work for them no, LOL) report back so we know...these other answers don't say much...not very realistic to take any of these routes if you don't have to.
IIt'd be great if you could mention the name of the app that converts PDFs to Pages "very well."
I saved a web page as a PDF on my iPad. The only program it would allow me to save it in is iBooks. It's there, but have no option to send it to Pages or anywhere else, only to print it. It also won't allow me to cut and paste the text.
How can I access it? I'd love to save it as an image, but i can't figure out how to do that, either.
iBooks for iOS has a Sharing icon. Send that Web Page PDF to yourself as an email attachment, save it to your Desktop on the Mac, and then drag/drop that PDF into Pages as content.
With the PDF selected in Pages, you can then select the Arrange tab in the right panel, and scale and rotate it (if you need landscape orientation). Pages is not however, a PDF editor.
Hey there! I had this same problem, but I found that zamzar (an online file conversion service) can convert PDF files to docx files, which pages can then open (automatically converting to pages document). It's not perfect, but much better than manually copying and pasting.
LibreOffice can open Publisher files. I've found it does a decent job but it has been awhile since I've needed to use it for this purpose.
As I said, it has been awhile. This may be yet another instance where an older version of LibreOffice is needed.
PDFConverter claims to convert pdfs to many formats including .pages.
Caveat: I have no personal experience with this software.
How do I convert a pdf to a pages document?