Trojans are not quite the same thing as viruses. A trojan is a malicious program that spreads by tricking a computer user into installing it. A virus spreads automatically, without help from the user.
There are currently no known Mac viruses, but trojans do pop up occasionally. That's nothing new.
I'm not sure why your son thinks Chrome, which sends identifiable data about you to Google, is safer than Safari. Open Safari preferences and click on the Security icon in the toolbar. Check the boxes labeled "Warn when visiting a fraudulent website" and "Block pop-up windows." Uncheck the box labeled "Enable Java." Next, click on the General icon, and uncheck the box labeled "Open safe files after downloading." That will make it impossible for a website to automatically download a file and open it without your intervention.
NEVER NEVER NEVER type your password when prompted to do so by any application or installer unless it comes from Apple or another source that you trust implicitly.