Try calibrating the battery.
Yesterday morning I drained the battery of my 3GS under normal use, went to full charge around noon. Afterwards I used it as normal, some text messages, about an hour of music play, then the alarm clock this morning, some text messages, about ten minutes of talk time and now in standby in a low reception area (which consumes battery quite a bit due to constant signal tracking). It's past noon today and the battery is at 79% after its full charge 24 Hrs. ago.
Compared to the battery drainage that was taking place the day before yesterday this is quite an improvement, even more considering the low reception area in which the phone is at standby right now. This leads to a probable battery calibration issue instead of the whole reset hassle, which may not solve anything, really.
I still believe there's a problem with iOS4.3.3 regarding battery consumption which needs to be fixed, however I suggest to give it a try with battery calibration, it might do some help, so far it has done for me.