So here a modificated version of the script on page 1 to use in theRun AppleScript Action:
property theList : {"doc", "docx"}
on run {input, parameters}
set output to {}
tell application "Microsoft Word" to set theOldDefaultPath to get default file pathfile path typedocuments path
repeat with x in input
set theDoc to contents of x
tell application "Finder"
set ext to name extension of theDoc
if ext is in theList then
set x to (length of ext) + 2
set theName to (text 1 thru -x) of (theDoc as string)
set thePDF to theName & ".pdf"
if (exists file thePDF) then
set n to 1
set thePDF to theName & "_" & n & ".pdf"
repeat until (exists file thePDF) is false
if (exists file thePDF) then
set n to n + 1
set thePDF to theName & "_" & n & ".pdf"
end if
end repeat
end if
tell application "Microsoft Word"
open theDoc
set theActiveDoc to the active document
save astheActiveDocfile formatformat PDFfile namethePDF
copy (POSIX path of thePDF) to end of output
end tell
end if
end tell
end try
end repeat
tell application "Microsoft Word" to set default file pathfile path typedocuments pathpaththeOldDefaultPath
return output
end run