I did read the rest ...but that's unlikely to be the underlying issue, because of the next bit afterwards:
I have the same problem. I do not have Facetime. I called Apple support and spoke to one of their engineers. They were not aware of the problem. He googled the email address and looked through the discussions on this issue. He then took it to the engineers to identify the cause. I have not heard back yet, but I suspect there will be a fix soon. I personally doubt your account information could be stolen this way, since you obviously do not have the log-in information for the account tr33st at live dot com. It could be an annoyance trojan, or it could be something inserted by a disgruntalled Apple employee. Who knows.
On another thread the suggestion is made to download and install the latest full update from the Apple site. That seems to have worked for some people. I haven't tried this since the guy from Apple asked me to hold off until he calls back. They might want me to test some things for them.
So not clear-cut yet, it seems :-(