No, it will not. There is software out there called TRIM Enabler that will turn it on, but I tried it, and got 30-second beach balls. I would advise not using it. Install this and read some of these tips for SSDs.
Sudden motion sensor
Having the Sudden motion sensor enabled for a SSD drive makes no sense, this can be disabled with the following command in your Terminal app.
sudo pmset -a sms 0
Hard drive sleep
Putting SSD hard drives to sleep has no benefit, and some SSD drives has a history of freezing up when put to sleep. This can be disabled under System Preferences -> Energy Saver. Remember to disable it for both Battery and Power Adapter mode.
Sleeping mode
By default, when closing the lid on a MacBook, the content of the ram is saved to disk for safety. The ram is still powered on however, and is used when starting up again. The content saved on disk is only used in case of a power loss. This behavior can be changed, at the cost of some safety, so that memory content is not saved to disk. On the bright side, you also save some disk space (equal to the amount of your RAM).
You can start by checking the current setting, fire up and type the following.
sudo pmset -g | grep hibernatemode
hibernatemode 3
3 is the default mode, you want to change this to 0 to disable disk writes.
sudo pmset -a hibernatemode 0
Now you can remove the old sleepimage.
sudo rm /var/vm/sleepimage

17" 2.2GHz i7 Quad-Core MacBook Pro 8G RAM 750G HD + OCZ Vertex 3 SSD Boot HD
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