Adding Nook to Airport Extreme Wireless Network
If you are having problems adding your Nook to your Airport network (this can happen if you have security on that network) you need to add the MAC address to your Airport Extreme. To do that first find the MAC address of your Nook (call Nook tech support and they can tell you how to find the address for your particular device).
Next, open your Airport Utility, click on the Extreme icon on the left and then click on Manual setup located at the bottom of the pane.
When you get to the next screen click on the button Access Control located near the top of the pane.
Where it says "Mac Address Access Control" change "Not Enabled" to "Timed Access." Then click on the + sign to add your Nook's MAC address. A dropdown pane will appear. Add the address and then add a description (like "Nook"). Once you do that you will see a day range and time range in the window just below. Change those to "Everyday" and "All Day." Hit "Done" at the bottom.
Once you do that the dropdown will disappear. Then hit "Update" at the bottom of the pane. And that should do it. You should now be able to connect your Nook to your Wifi.
Airport Extreme-OTHER