Kappy I do appreciate you taking the time to respond to my question, and I don't mean to sound rude, but that IPv6 test doesn't have anything to do with DHCPv6. Everything between your AEBS and your Mac was likely configured using stateless address autoconfiguation (SLAAC,) which is not DHCPv6.
Here's an explanation of the difference between DHCPv6 and SLAAC from the DHCPv6 wikipedia entry:
DHCPv6 is the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv6. Although IPv6's stateless address autoconfiguration can also be used to acquire IPv6 access, DHCPv6 may be a more suitable solution to assign addresses, nameservers and other configuration information as being done today with DHCP for IPv4. A notable case is Domain Name System servers used on a network, albeit other mechanisms exist for this in the Neighbor Discovery Protocol.[1]. At the time of writing, Microsoft Windows does for example only support the method used with DHCPv6 and not RDNSS with stateless address autoconfiguration.
The only reason I ask this question now is because IPv6 enhancements were reported in 10.6.8. From what I have seen in the packet captures I've done here, the "managed config flag" bit is set in the router advertisements, which means my MacBook should be using DHCPv6 for additional configuration, however it is not.
So basically all signs point to 10.6.8 still not supporting DHCPv6, but I was hoping that had changed with 10.6.8's IPv6 "improvements."