Preview font problems
My utility company (EDF) now only provides energy bills online in pdf format. They show up on screen fine but if I try to print or save them, the signisficant (variable) parts are scrambled. This problem does not occur if I access them via Windows/IE: I can save, open and print fine. Saved Windows files can be opened in Adobe Acrobat Pro on the Mac and work fine, but although Preview can open them, I get the same problem with save or print.
So this seems to be a Mac OS X/Preview issue.
The pdf files are pdf v 1.4 generated by StreamServe Communication Server 5.3.0 GA Build 475. They contain 4 embedded, subsetted TrueType fonts: AA0101+FrutigerLTStd-Bold, AA0201-FrutigerLTStd-Roman, AA0301+FrutigerLTStd-Italic, and ArialMT. If I open a file saved by Preview into Acrobat Pro it complains that it cannot find or create the font 'MMDFNT+AA0101+FrutigerLTStd-Bold, so I guess this is the culprit. I imagine this is a font encoding issue?
Has anyone else encountered this or similar problem, or can suggest a workaround that doesn't involve firing up Windows/IE/Acrobat?
(I am using 10.6.7 on a MacPro)