Pegasus R6 user here who just got through a disheartening battle but WON!
Bosto's recent post helped a ton.
After reading page 14 through 27 on this forum and trying countless things to fix our Pegasus R6 issue we've encountered today, after updating to Mavericks, I made nearly no progress after hours of troubleshooting.
Our setup: 2013 iMac OSX 3.2 ghz i5 and two Mac Pros all connected to a chasis and sharing with the iMac that is directly accessing the Pegasus.
We've been using this setup for over 8 months now with virtually NO PROBLEMS. It's been awesome. We have a total of 10TB filled on our 15TB's. Using all three computers at once almost everyday.
After a crash in Filemaker Pro accessing a file from the Pegasus, we could not access the Pegasus any further. It just locked up. And since it was on the iMac we knew that the other two wouldn't be able to get any better results. The two Mac Pros had just finished updating to Mavericks and the iMac had downloaded the software but we were waiting to finish with this Filemaker file before saving, exiting, and engaging the install. Since it crashed, we decided to restart everything, see if it would open, and then go from there.
The restart automatically engaged Mavericks to begin installing on reboot. Understandable, we forgot it was ready to do this. We thought, no big deal.
When the install was finished, the iMac opened up just fine in Mavericks. It accessed Pegusus correctly and in fact, all three computers were back to normal with fast connections. Okay, now to this Filemaker file problem. Tried to open it back up, again it failed, just locking up. Same exact way. Couldn't do anything. So, again, we had to restart all three computers (because if we just shut down the iMac it would obsructively eject from the other two without warning).
On this reboot a red light appeared and the Pegasus wouldn't mount... In which all of us tensed up a bit.
It wasn't even in disk utility. Though, I could open Promise Utility and it reported a dead drive.
I then followed Bosto's steps (post above mine in all caps) and ureika, the red light disappeared and the Pegasus is mounting on all three computers.
As far as the crashed Filemaker file... I think I'll count my losses here if I can't recover. Either way, not nearly as frightening as our R6 crashing.
BUT P.S. We have everything backed up on G-Drives stored in a deep dark dungeon nowhere but a select few have the keys to. Everyone should do the same. No matter how large, fast, or up to date these drives get... They'll fail... But just speak nicely to them and they may last a little longer than usual.