Hello all.
I haD the same issue for a long time and, in my case (and I believe it is everybody's case), the problem was not in the VNC Server, or ARD or ScreenSharing; the problem IS with SecurityAgent.
1) The Sintoms:
When you connect to the MAC Server using a VNC Client for Windows or Linux:
- The screen freezes in the login screen;
- or it freezes after typing some letters;
- or it freezes after some time connected.
2) Getting There
After check system.log, I realize that there was no error message from VNC Server, but from SecurityAgent.
Considering that, like me, you are trying to connect using VNC, so this solution does not require graphic interface.
You can use SSH to connect to your server (you must allow SSH Server for this).
After login with SSH, you must type the following 2 commands:
- sudo launchctl unload /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.SecurityAgent.plist
- sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.SecurityAgent.plist
After that you can connect again using VNC Client.
There is a bug after the first login, the VNC will close, you can just connect again.
IF, during the regular use, the VNC freezes again, you may have to execute again the commands above.
I think Apple can solve the issue with this. Probably it is a non treated exception.