I'll tell you the truth...if my air port stays connected long enough...but something is seriously wrong because the WiFi isn't the only problem I've had to deal with. The stock X11 stuff has been a nightmare for me too.
It would crash and then just keep restarting until I could manage to log out and log back in. Finally, I replaced the X11 with the one from the X org foundation site and things couldn't be any better. I have a BRAND NEW iMac 27" with Lion pre-installed.
You, said it , sgt_harris, too many new features without thinking about the old, proven, needed ones.
I did find it funny however that about a couple of weeks ago, there was an update that was specifically for the
WiFi drops. As soon as I installed it, my connection dropped. So, I rebooted, and BAM! it came up and stayed connected for a whole whopping 27 minutes!
Nothing beats ye old ethernet cable running across the floor to trip on and almost yank a $1700.00 piece of equipment off your desk. 😉