Hello my fellow people with issues,
I just wanted to add my two cents to this incredibly frustrating problem. I purchased a 2011 27" iMac with Intel processor and have been experiencing the same WiFi problems. The WiFi just randomly disconnects after a few minutes and will not automatically reconnect after sleep unless resetting Airport. Connections are unstable lasting only minutes. The one difference is that I am still running Snow Leopard 10.6.8. I refuse to update since it seems Lion just has the same problems. Like others, I have multiple Apple and non-Apple devices with stable connections to my D-Link DGL4500 router with NO issues.
First, I tried to change the router settings per other advice on the threads. I deconflicted the channel with the neighbors, turned off the auto mode for channel switching, and set the router to pure n mode on 2.4GHz. I also tried creating a new network location in my network preferences, moved the airport conncetion to the top of the list of preferred connections on top of bluetooth and others, and deleted the network preferences plist file. None of this worked.
Then, I finally bit the bullet and dragged the machine all the way to the closest Apple Store 1.5 hrs away. The Genius Bar worker was extremely pleasant and understanding but did NOT acknowledge ANY WiFi issues with the iMac. Of course, my iMac stayed connected to their WiFi connection through the entire process. Of note was the fact that he used a *USB* keyboard and mouse with my iMac vice using the bluetooth keyboard and mouse which comes standard. He did offer to replace the wireless card and antenna in the iMac with virtually no prompting from me so I took Apple up on that offer. Of further note was the Genius Bar worker's statement when I inquired about the bluetooth keyboard/mouse. He asked if I had tried the 5 GHz channel on my router since bluetooth also uses a 2.4 GHz freq. I had not tried that yet, I couldn't help but wonder why he would ask me that?
After another 3 hr round trip journey to the Apple store, I eagerly retrieved my "repaired" iMac. The connection worked for 15 minutes, then the same problems recurred.
What I did next solved my problem, at least for the past 48 hrs, which is the longest I have had a "problem free" WiFi experience since purchasing my incredibly expensive iMac.
I hooked up a generic USB keyboard, plugged in a wireless USB mouse, and disabled the bluetooth on the iMac. Since then, NO WiFi problems. I'm talking ZERO. Streaming music as long as I want, uninterrupted streaming movies, computer sleeps and wakes up and the WiFi reconnects instantly.
This definitely must be an issue with the bluetooth interfering with the 2.4GHz WiFi connection--in my humble, non-computer-engineering-literate opinion. I have not tried my router's 5 GHz signal with the iMac bluetooth kb/mouse but perhaps I will.
In the meantime...to APPLE: fix your Sh$t and stop denying your equipment has an issue when it clearly does. Until then, my black, bulky, wired logitech keyboard, and grey, wireless usb belkin mouse is disrupting the image of your holistic APPLE computer zen. Not that I really care. I just want my $1900 computer to work as advertised.