My Machine is MacBook pro i5, 2.4 , 15", mid 2010.
I used to have wakeup from sleep problem, and solved by the Apple video update.
I used to have crash at login screen , and solved by deleting the power management file.
Now I have sudden black screen of death and the machine restarts on its own, and I never had this problem before.
two days ago, I decided to do a clean install for 10.7.4 , I restored a clean install from an old hard drive image .dmg. that had 10.6.8 and lion in the task bar which I made long time ago. Then installed lion and made the combo update.
I did install aperture and it is the only software there now, even I don't have iLife.
What is driving me crazy, the machine with working like charm, so smooth, and very responsive.
So really is it a software or a hardware issue, I don't know.
And even the log in screen problem went away, and no problem to wake up from sleep, or even the sudden black screen or the restart...
And I am using aperture extensivly.
I didn't restore any data from timemachine, I just created a new account and I am testing the system since then and all is working,,, !!!????
Should I go for logic board exchange, ? Is it Hardware in my case, Is it software, ?
Or is it hardware, and because I didn't install much software there, the problem didn't show up yet. ?