Hi Franc,
I was so shocked by the news this morning that I did not read your post. I think this re-enforces the link I was sent some months ago from Apple regarding OpenGL. http://support.apple.com/kb/TS4044?viewlocale=en_US
It looks like they are sticking to that line.
So what options have we at this juncture?- I came up with these:
1) Roll back to 10.6 and accept that 3rd party code and OS X play nicer together.
2) Stick with 10.7 accept the poor life until such times as all app devs. re-engineer for newer API's / graphics calls.
3) Get on bended knees each night until summer and wait for 1.8 praying to the Cupertino OS devs.
Personally, and I am sure this is what Apple wants (baaa baa) I will take the nice features of Option 2 combined with a small amount of option 3. ;-)
@petermac87 As much as options 2/3 will be my accepted choice, my sensibilities tell me that this is not the correct response. I think what @Bob Jacobson is really saying (sorry if I'm putting words in your mouth) is that the lack of development / attention to this issue is bourne out by adding more frivolous features to an OS that does not have it's existing issues ironed out. Lipstick on a pig? I hope not, but based on current situation it's a possibility.
For me, I'll accept the drop in battery life and hope that Mountain Lion is to Lion what Snow Leopard was to Leopard.
Final remark, How much longer should we feed this thread before accepting this will not get resolved?