Krismus1111 wrote:
Thanks for checking in on us marysplacestudio. 🙂 would you mind me asking how you switched back to SL?
Hi Krismus,
I bought a MBP with Lion pre-installed last year (actually bought 3). But the battery life was very poor. I tried to switch back to Snow Leopard, but learned quite fast that the hardware did not permit this. So, I returned the computers within their return policy period and purchased a MBP that could still run Leopard. Sorry... I know that doesn't help you.
As my post expressed a couple days ago, I am rather surprised that Apple has not come up with a solution. The gfx card switching software does help; I've also noticed that running software that uses flash, like Firefox and Adobe products, also diminishes battery life by almost half.
Apple recently got into trouble advertising iPad 3 as offering 4g connectivity in Europe, which it does not yet. They had to change their advertising. I think Apple is walking a thin line right now with their battery claims under Lion because you virtually have to use only Mail or perhaps Safari with the screen quite dimmed to get anywhere close to the battery life they claim. And even then, I was still getting minimal battery life.
Personally, I'm looking foward to the day when a solar flare knocks out the internet and I can drive over my computer with a 4x4. O happy day.