On my Mackbook Pro 13" I am using Parallels 7 Desktop for Mac on Lion 10.7.4 to run Windows 7 Pro in the virtual machine. Parallels has an opton to "Use Mac OS X Full Screen" (see image below).
When working without an external monitor I find this very handy. You make the app window "full-screen" with the double-headed arrow and the app goes full screen in its own desktop. One can simply do the 4-finger swipe to move to one desktop to another.
BUT, try this with an external monitor attached an we're back to the same problem - make Parallels full-screen and the other screen(s) become unusable.
I have tried de-selecting the option to "Use Mac OS X Full Screen" and, with some fooling around depending upon the order in which I start applications, I can get Parallels full-screen in one monitor and use various apps in the other - I can even drag a Mac app over the full-screen Parallels app. Clearly Parallels has figured that users want to have their app full-screen on one monitor while leaving other monitors available. To do this they cannot use "Mac OS X Full Screen" but have to use some other mechniasm.
However, and I admit not fully exploring all the options, Parallels implementation of full-screen has other issues. This just speaks to the need for Apple to implement Full-Screen in a manner that works as we want (leaving other monitors usable) without forcing developers to implement their own unique full-screen mechanisms that, predictably, will not all work the same of may introduce other application-specific quirks.
In looking at Parallels to the limited extent I have, I noticed a disturbing behaviour. Regardless of whether an app is in the (non-Apple) full-screen mod or not, with an external monitor attached if I do the 4-finger swipe across the track pad BOTH monitors move simultaniously through their desktops rather than the swipe effecting only the monitor where the cursor happens to be.
This is problematic for me. For example, if I have Parallels full-screen on the external monitor on the left and say Safari on the Macbook Pro and with the cursor on the Mackbook screen 4-finger swipe in either direction, both monitors move to their own next desktop and Parallels dissappears from my left monitor as does Safari from the Macbook Pro.
I may not have described this well or extensively and the discussion of this "desktop" behaviour is probably a diversion from this group (although related). Can anyone advise where I might best discuss this particular topic?
Thanks folks.

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